Jon Freet pitching for the KA Order Team. (328k)
Chris Bach sends one to the plate. (640k)
Fans watching the games. (547k)
Eric Frankel swings for the fence. (447k)
The one that got away. (309k)
Jon Freet pitching. Isn't he cute? (771k)
Rick Taylor lays one down the foul line. (442k)
Chris Bach . . . again. (479k)
Steve Welch putting everything he has into that pitch. (441k)
The WWP Team relaxes between innings. (554k)
Jack Welch takes a swing. (489k)
Steve Welch pitches to Nicole Yang. (388k)
Steve Welch pitches to Jason Yasher. (302k)
The WWP Team comes off the field between innings. (470k)
Teams relax between games. (584k)
Jeff Tobias and Kristen Suarez announce the raffle winners. (503k)